Alternate Investment Funds (AIFs)are one of the most advanced forms of investment vehicles available to investors in India. Popular Alternative Investment Funds are across Long Only Equities, Long Short Hedged Equities and Unlisted Private Equities. AIFs are for those set of the ultra-high net worth of investors, who are at the mature phase of their investing lifecycle and want to invest in a privately managed portfolios. In India there are three categories of Alternative investment funds segregated by the nature of investments.
Alternatives Investment Fund.
Category 1 invests in angel and seed fund type of investments.
Category 2 invests in Real Estate, Private Equity driven investments and
Category 3 which is the most popular category of AIFs invests in mostly in listed and unlisted equities, and derivatives.
In India AIF Category 3 is similar to Hedge Funds of the developed Markets. The minimum investment commitment for AIFs is Rs 1crore .
The popular Alternative investment funds in India are : Edelweiss, Avendus, Motilal Oswal, IIFL, Old Bridge, Nippon.
This category is growing very fast and many new players have emerged in last few years. Names that started AIFs in 2019 are Abakkus started by Mr. Sunil Singhania, Carnelian started by Mr. Vikas Khemani, Tata Absolute Returns AIF, managed by Harsh Agarwal